Yeah! I GET to Go to Work Today!

Yeah! I GET to Go to Work Today!

Do you absolutely love your job? Are you excited for the opportunity you have each day? If not, maybe it’s time to find a new position! As recruitment experts, Peoplelink put together some tips to help you find a job that you look forward to every day. Here’s a look:

Tip #1: Determine what it is you really love.

This is easier said than done. The reason? Many people aren’t honest with themselves about what they love and what kind of job will really excite them. They go for the “safe” choice, or the one that’s most lucrative…even when it’s not really the right fit for them. So ask yourself this: what do you love so much that you’d happily do all week? Another question to ask to help you identify your passions: what was your favorite past job?

Tip #2: Determine what offerings are “a must.”

For instance, if you have small children, then flextime and the ability to telecommute might top your list of “must-haves” from potential employers. If you hate to drive, then working for a company that’s near your home might be an important factor. Or, if you’re looking to break into management, then a company that offers continuing education and training is likely right up your alley.

Tip #3: Define your values.

To be happy at work, it’s important to work for an employer that has values that align with yours. So figure out what values define you. For instance, if you’re an environmentalist, a company that puts sustainable practices to use each day would be a good fit for you. Other examples of values that you may want to look for include being active in the local community or placing a premium on continuing education through tuition assistance.

Tip #4: Avoid temptations.

As recruitment experts, Peoplelink knows that if you’re unhappy in your current job or have been unemployed for a while, it’s tempting to take the first job offer you get. But if it doesn’t align with what you really want, then resist the temptation. If you don’t, you’ll likely accept a position that’s not a good fit for you, only to wind up back in the job search game a few months later. It’s simply not worth it.

Tip #5: Do your homework.

Many candidates view the hiring process as a way for a potential employer to evaluate them. But it’s also a chance for you, the job seeker, to evaluate a potential employer, as well. So ask lots of questions during the interview and see if you can talk to current employees to find out what it’s really like to work for the company. When you do, you’ll have a much clearer sense of whether the job and the culture are right for you.

Need More Help Finding a Job You Love?

Let Peoplelink know. As recruitment experts, we’ll act as your career advisor, locating jobs that are the best fit for your skills and interests – jobs you won’t find advertised elsewhere! Contact us today if you’d like to get started.