Peoplelink’s Top Blog Posts From 2012

Peoplelink’s Top Blog Posts From 2012

At Peoplelink, one of your goals as a leading staffing agency is to serve as a resource for our clients and our job candidates…hence this blog. Through it, we try to share insightful tips, advice and trends related to staffing, HR, management, as well as career advancement and job searches.

Our mission, at the end of the day, is always to make great matches between employers and job candidates. And if the advice provided through our blog enables those matches, then we count ourselves successful.

So with that said, what were some of our top posts in 2012? Here’s a look:

From Temp to Perm: 5 Tips for Making Yourself Too Valuable to Let Go

If you play your cards right – and make yourself too valuable to let go, you can turn a temporary assignment into a full-time job. Find out how.

5 Biggest Job Search Mistakes Candidates Don’t Even Know They’re Making

Job search just not yielding the kinds of results you’d hoped for? It could be because you’re making one of these common mistakes. Find out what they are – and how to avoid them.

4 Big Myths About Networking

If you’re like many job candidates, the thought of networking can be akin to torture. But as a leading staffing agency, Peoplelink knows it doesn’t have to be that painful – and if you think it is, then it could be because you believe one of these big myths.

4 Bad Behaviors to Avoid When Working With a Recruiting Agency

Looking to work with recruiting agency for help in finding your next job? Whatever you do, don’t exhibit these four bad behaviors.

6 Interview Warning Signs of a Bad Boss

Having a bad boss can have a negative impact on your career advancement and your personal life. To ensure you don’t get one in your next job, here are six signs to look out for during the interview process. 

The #1 Key to Successful Year End Performance Reviews

How can you go about conducting the “dreaded” performance review in the least painful and most effective way possible? By employing this #1 key to success.

Getting Behind the Mask: How to Uncover the “Real” Job Candidate

Hiring mistakes are an employer’s worst nightmare. Use these practical tips for getting behind the candidate mask and uncovering who a job candidate really is. 

9 Resources to Help You Understand How Health Reform Impacts Your Company

Love it, or hate it, the new health reform law is here to stay, at least for now. That means you need to get up-to-speed on how the specifics of the law impact your company in terms of the benefits you offer. Read this post for top resources to help you.

5 Tips for Hiring for Attitude

When you hire a candidate with an attitude that aligns with your culture, then they’re more likely to remain productive, engaged, and happy. So how do you evaluate “attitude”? Read on for more.

9 Interview Questions That Can Help You Hire a Leader

When it comes to leadership roles, a hiring mistake can have a significantly negative impact on your bottom line. So if you’re looking to hire a leader, you need to start by asking the right interview questions. Here’s a look at nine.

So go ahead, visit the posts above and read on for insightful tips and advice. And be sure to check back in 2013 for more tools, resources, and insight!

Thanks for reading!