Workforce Strategy Tips for 2013

Workforce Strategy Tips for 2013
  • Employees jumping ship as the economy continues to improve.
  • Baby Boomers retiring and more Gen Y-ers entering the fray.
  • A shortage of talent for key positions.

As one of the country’s top staffing agencies, Peoplelink knows those are just a few of the workforce challenges companies will be facing in 2013. So in order to deal with them, it’s important to plan ahead and put a strong workforce strategy into place, so you can leverage the power of your talent, rather than be hindered by your lack of it.

With that in mind, here are some tips to help you in 2013 – and beyond:

Change your thinking.

Stop thinking of workforce planning as simply a function of HR. It should be a process that involves business strategy teams, as well. While HR should spearhead the initiative – providing the right tools and processes and driving accountability – it’s important for business leaders to have a place at the table.

Look at the big picture.

Part of workforce planning is making sure you have the right people in the right positions. But it goes beyond that; it’s a strategic initiative that strives to ensure a future workforce is well prepared to fulfill the company’s vision and objectives. So look beyond the day-to-day and month-to-month, and plan for the next few years.

For instance, look at what kind of technology is on the horizon and what issues and challenges you foresee the company facing in the coming years. This will help ensure you don’t get caught unprepared.

Speak their language. 

Oftentimes, workforce planning can fall short because decisions makers aren’t sold on the impact of the plans – i.e. their financial value. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure that business leaders understand that workforce planning can lead to business success and a solid return on investment.

Follow through with implementation.

This is one of the key areas where many companies get caught. They spend all their time and effort planning, only to push it aside when the next crisis strikes or demand increases. But commit to putting your plan into action and following up. For instance, the workforce planning team should be briefed on a regular basis to evaluate the success of the strategies and adjust course, if needed.

Work with an expert.

If you don’t have the time, resources, or expertise to spearhead a workforce planning initiative, then work with an expert. Most companies can do it better and faster when they have guidance from an experienced consultant.

And if you’re ready to bring a workforce planning expert on board, give Peoplelink a call. As one of the country’s top staffing agencies, we can work with you to ensure you leverage the full power and value of strategic workforce planning. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.