Peoplelink: The Blog!

  • 5 Tips for Hiring for Attitude

    By on August 7, 2012

    When it comes time to hire, you know that a candidate’s skills are important. But what about their attitude? In other words, when you’re hiring, do you focus on a candidate’s attitude at all? As a recruiting agency with 25 years of experience, Peoplelink knows that if you don’t, you could be making a big mistake. Why? Because when you hire a

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    Peoplelink Staffing
  • Peoplelink Announces July Shining Star

    By on July 24, 2012

    Peoplelink is pleased to announce that Mr. David Boatright is our July Shining Star.  David works as a Laborer for Custom Radio. He reports to the Fort Wayne, Indiana Peoplelink branch. David has been with Custom Radio since he joined Peoplelink last fall. His responsibilities include cutting screens and general labor. David is a quick learner and the quality of

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    Peoplelink Staffing
  • How Much Time Does a Hiring Manager Spend Looking at Your Resume?

    By on July 24, 2012

    Less than one minute. That’s right. As a leading recruiting agency, Peoplelink knows that’s about all the time you have to make a positive impression on a hiring manager who’s reviewing your resume. And if you fail to do so, that resume you spent hours working on will likely wind up in the trash. So how can you pack a punch with

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    Peoplelink Staffing
  • 4 Big Myths About Networking

    By on July 17, 2012

    If you’re looking for a new job, then you probably know that you need to spend a lot of time networking. However, knowing something and actually doing it are two different things, right? And if you’re like many job candidates, the thought of networking can be akin to torture. But, as a leading staffing agency, part of our job at

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    Peoplelink Staffing
  • Vimeo Post

    By on July 10, 2012

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus posuere mattis ligula id consectetur. Nullam pellentesque blandit dolor, eleifend rhoncus magna rutrum sed. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean sit amet tincidunt elit. Etiam pellentesque, dui eu tincidunt egestas, metus felis accumsan urna, quis sodales risus risus id urna. Integer sit amet orci tellus, et cursus nibh. Ut hendrerit fermentum est, sed dignissim urna aliquet ut. Etiam elementum tortor sed nisl laoreet ut pellentesque urna pharetra. Cras consectetur auctor nisi. Nulla ultrices,…

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    Peoplelink Staffing
  • How to Reject a Job Candidate…Without Them Hating You

    By on July 10, 2012

    Let’s face it. Nobody likes to issue rejection. But if you’re responsible for recruitment and hiring, then it’s your job to handle candidate rejection in a professional manner. Otherwise, you’re going to end up with frustrated candidates and a bad reputation. So how can you deal with this unpleasant task quickly and efficiently? Here are some tips to consider: Don’t

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    Peoplelink Staffing