Peoplelink: The Blog!

  • Calling All Managers: Celebrate National Mentoring Month by Developing Your Skills

    By on January 2, 2024

    As a manager, you are undoubtedly familiar with your many responsibilities, from leading teams to achieving organizational goals. But what if we told you an additional dimension to your role can bring immense value to you, your team, and your organization?  January is National Mentoring Month, established by Harvard School of Public Health in 2002. This annual campaign acknowledges the

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    Peoplelink Staffing
  • Cross the 2023 Finish Line Strong: How to Motivate Your Production Team for Year-End Success

    By on December 1, 2023

    Welcome to “the most wonderful” time of the year! With the new year in sight, businesses often find themselves at a pivotal juncture of counting on their production team to drive their company’s success by meeting year-end goals.   But as we all know, the end of the year is about much more than your production outputs. The holiday season is

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    Peoplelink Staffing
  • Positioned to Win: Three Innovative Staffing Solutions to Focus on for 2024

    By on November 1, 2023

    You may have heard the adage: “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”   In the case of your 2024 workforce strategy planning, this rings true. We cannot overstate the importance of proactive preparation for your organization’s success this year. From the way your team works to new ways to meet workforce expectations, businesses must define their goals early on to

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    Peoplelink Staffing
  • Wondering How to Get Your Resume Noticed by Employers? Answering Top Resume FAQs

    By on October 6, 2023

    Your resume is often the very first impression you make on potential employers. It is your calling card, your ticket to the interview, and the key to unlocking your career aspirations. But crafting a resume that truly stands out among hundreds (or even thousands) of applicants can be a daunting task.  Think of your resume as your personal marketing tool.

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    Peoplelink Staffing
  • Navigating Career Transitions: Writing an Effective Cover Letter for a New Field

    By on September 21, 2023

    Embarking on a career transition is an exciting (and often scary!) leap into the unknown. As you stand on the precipice of change, you might wonder whether a cover letter is still relevant in today’s digital age. Well, the truth is, yes, it absolutely is! In fact, a well-crafted cover letter can be your secret weapon, especially if you are

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    Peoplelink Staffing
  • Four Steps to Succeed as a New Manager in Your Organization

    By on August 22, 2023

    Imagine stepping into a room where faces are unfamiliar, expectations are high and every move you make will set a precedent for the days to come. This is the challenge and opportunity of every manager joining a new team. In our previous article, we discussed the significance of a positive relationship between an employee and their boss. Now, we venture

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    Peoplelink Staffing