Peoplelink: The Blog!

  • Is Company Culture Really That Important?

    By on August 3, 2023

    In today’s fiercely competitive business world, one vital ingredient that can make or break an organization: company culture. It encompasses the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape how things unfold in the workplace.   A positive culture is the secret sauce that fuels employee engagement, cranks up productivity, and encourages an environment of open discourse, healthy conflict resolution and continuous

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    Peoplelink Staffing
  • Summer Flexibility: Exploring Alternatives to Traditional Workplace Expectations During the Summer

    By on June 5, 2023

    Summer is a season of vacations, outdoor activities, and relaxation. However, for many folks, the summer months can be a challenging time to balance work and personal life. And with attendance rates in the summer falling by as much as 19% due to employee vacations, the pace of work can slow down, and productivity may suffer.   But there are things

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    Peoplelink Staffing
  • Four Steps to Requesting Job References (Without Being Rude or Pushy)

    By on May 11, 2023

    When it comes to job hunting, one of the most critical factors to success is having strong job references. A job reference can make all the difference in helping you stand out from other applicants and land the job you want—but tapping into your professional network can be a tricky task.  In the hiring process, prospective employers want to understand

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    Peoplelink Staffing
  • Set for Success: Six Smart Questions Jobseekers Should Ask in an Interview

    By on April 4, 2023

    Job interviews can be incredibly nerve wracking. After all, you’re essentially selling the value you can contribute to a potential employer—a tall order for your average 30-minute interview. But remember that interviews are a two-way street. It’s super important that you ask questions too—for a few reasons:  To show your interest in the role and company.  To determine if the

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    Peoplelink Staffing
  • Attract the Best of the Best: What Job Seekers Want in Their Next Role

    By on March 17, 2023

    As a hiring manager, you know that finding the right talent can make all the difference in your company’s success. And it’s not just about finding talent; it’s about attracting the best of the best.  But, in today’s job market, finding such candidates can be challenging.  As always, the demand for skilled workers is high—this is nothing new. But as

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    Peoplelink Staffing
  • How to Stay Motivated During a Long (And Exhausting) Job Search

    By on March 13, 2023

    If anyone has ever tried convincing you that finding a job is easy, then you’ve likely learned by now that this is unfortunately not the case.  From sifting through hundreds of roles and tedious application processes to lackluster interview experiences and dreaded rejection letters, finding your dream job can be stressful and discouraging. Maybe you even get to the point

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    Peoplelink Staffing